24 January 2014

#CatchtheMoment365 Week 3

January 16- My physical to be read pile

January 17-Wearing my original Blaze choir shirt.  

January 18- One of my current books I'm writing.  

January 19-More Chicago Fire.  

January 20- Such a lazy dog.  

January 21- Chipotle...YUM! 

January 22-My girl, my girl, talkin' bout my giiiiiirl.  

Nurse Loves Farmer

Read more on Nurse Loves Farmer: http://www.nurselovesfarmer.com/2014/01/catch-moment-365-week-3/


  1. That's quite a stack you're reading there! Are you reading bits and pieces of each one at the same time or are you plowing through one to get to the next? I love Karen Kingsbury's books. I may have read that particular one, but I really don't remember for sure.

  2. We read a lot of the same books! Are you on Goodreads?

  3. Yep. I should be under meghanbrown2010@gmail.com or theycallhermeghan@gmail.com

  4. I love Chipotle too! GOOD STUFF!

  5. Chipotle best thing on earth :) I tried to read Silver Linings Playbook but couldn't get into it... but I am currently watching the movie.


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