17 September 2013

I'd Like to Have That One Back.

Before we get to today's post, I'd just like to let you all know that today, for the first time since I've had my bloglovin' account that my to be read counter is at 0 and I didn't hit mark all as read.  I'm pretty ecstatic about that...okay, carrying on...

If I could relive any day or day(s) of my life, it would have to be the weeks in the summer that I spent with my grandparents up at their house in Bemidji. & also camping with my dad's family in the summer at the state parks up north.  & the weeks and weekends spent up at our cabin with Lynn's family.  My summers growing up were pretty dang awesome.

Everybody always tells you to tell your loved ones you love each time you see them because no one is guaranteed a tomorrow, I didn't heed that advice until I lost my grandfather at 14 unexpectedly.  If I could turn back time and have my summers back, I'd spend it all in Bemidji, Akeley & up at Pine Lake with each set of my grandparents and all of my aunts and uncles.

What day or time would you like to relive?

1 comment:

  1. Kudos on getting that Bloglovin' count to zero. It's an amazing feeling :)


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