09 November 2015

Grateful Heart//"Internet Friends"

I've been a part of some sort of community online ever since I was 14 and joined OpenDiary for the first time.

I always made sure to be protective of what I shared & who I told what to about myself, my family & my personal life. Even at the young age of 14, my parents had nailed it into my head about all the "bad people" of the internet and how they aren't always what they seem. #policedaughterprobs

Anyways, I was 14 when I met the first of many online friends. V and I were and are different in every aspect, but we did and still do connect for some reason.  I was just a young teen when I first "noted" her on OD & we talked a little here and there for the next couple years. Fast forward to my junior and senior years of high school. I had a couple study halls each semester junior and senior year because of a stupid decision I made after my sophomore year of high school(don't hide your failing grades from your parents--hindsight is a B!), anyways, we would note back and forth and text all day almost every day except for those days that my mouth would get me in trouble and my mom would take my phone away.  We have both grown in our own lives and in our friendship, we don't necessarily talk each and every day like we used to, but I know that we still have that open and wonderful friendship. We have that type of friendship that I can be completely honest with her and her with me and we just have this mad respect for each other. We have yet to meet, but I'm hoping it happens soon. She will always be the Maverick to my Goose & the Wanda to my Maryann.

I look so young in this picture..I was a young 21 in it. 

& I've mentioned Jayme time and time again, I'm pretty sure this girl is like my long lost twin, because we have so much in common, yet we have so much that differs too. She's my bestest, the one that I can count on day or night. Who challenges me & makes me a better person. I honestly can't imagine my life without her. She's my person but better & I can't wait to see her transition into her new role as mommy in February. We've got the no judgment, oh my gosh you too?, wish we lived closer because we would be inseparable type of best friendship that I would be lost without.  It also helps that her husband is really BA too. Whenever I go down to visit we can all hang out together and just have the most awesome time.

linking up with Emily for Grateful Heart!

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