November was a pretty good month for me, nothing too overly exciting happened, but nothing overly bad happened either, so I consider that a win!
I had three pretty straight forward goals for November & I did semi-okay on them.
Read 3 books//I actually read FOUR! Woo! Hard Beat, Need to Love You, Ignite & Katie in Waiting. Four very different books but four very good books.
Survive Black Friday//As I am writing this post, I obviously survived Black Friday, which is actually Thanksgiving now, but I digress. Black Friday is hectic and crazy on it's own, but add in being sick, PMSing and Black Friday? Let's just say I'm glad to be on the other side of it. My team is so-so, I'm really trying to mend fences amongst all of us that have been frayed for a while and a few that have started to fray because of my attitude the last week. #keepingitreal #lovemyteam. I'm going to give myself a pass on this one as well.
Complete NaNoWriMo//Yeah, no. But I've made a lot of progress and I'm excited to see where this story takes me. I will complete this book!
How was your November?