30 October 2013

Someday I Will...

I'm one of those people who as much as I love the here and now, I also love daydreaming about the future and all that I want to do in the future.  So when I didn't have the slightest clue as what to write about today(which seems to be a common occurrence for me lately) and when Taylor from the Daily Tay announced a one-time linkup, I decided today would be a good day to talk about the someday I wills.

Someday I will get married and have kids.  I will feel like a princess on my wedding day and have a fun reception.  

Someday I will own and operate my own coffee shop, it might not be for another 20 or 30 years, but I think it would be so much fun.  

Someday I will let my wanderlust take over and travel all over the United States.  Storm chase on the Plains, see a few races in North Carolina, go to a few concerts, etc.  

Someday I will own a Mac again.  

Someday I will go to a Blake Shelton concert.  

Someday I will meet my Prince Charming.  

Someday I will have my own house and I will get my own black lab puppy.  

So what's a someday I will for you?  


  1. I've yet to make it to a Blake Shelton concert either, but I've heard they're fantastic!

  2. These are some wonderful goals/dreams!!! :-D


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