14 July 2013

Music Obsession.

Sunday Social

These are all fun music questions!

1. What is your all-time favorite song? 
Probably either Garth Brooks' The Thunder Rolls or George Strait's I Cross My Heart. 

2. Who is your favorite singer/band?
I suck at picking one favorite, but if I had to, it would be Garth & George.  

3. What song reminds you of your childhood?
Honey I'm Home by Shania Twain & Folsom Prison Blues 

4. What songs put you in a good mood?
Right now it's anything Brantley Gilbert & All Over the Road by Easton Corbin

5. What is your music to rock out to in your car?
Kenny Chesney or Blake Shelton. 

6. What is the most embarrassing album or song you own?
Suit & Tie by JT! 


  1. I love rocking out to Kenny Chesney too! He has some pretty good songs :)

    Reviews Until You Drop

  2. OMG! "I Cross My Heart" is amazing! I love lots of these songs, too! :) Happy Sunday!


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