01 December 2014


How is it already December? As of today, I've been in my apartment for 7 months, I can't believe it!

I also can't believe that I'm showing up to blog on a Monday and semi-early!

Joining up with Emily from Ember Grey to share what's on my grateful heart this week.

Grateful Heart Monday

Today I'm grateful for//

My Blog//

I was reading through my 2014 & late 2013 posts and there were so many little things that I had forgotten about & I'm so grateful that I recorded them here!

Since Rachael is in China, she can't text regularly, so that's how we keep up with stuff not shared on the interwebz.  I also love the group option, where Rach, Lora & I spew our brain matter without judgment.

My Person//
There is nothing better then having a completely weird thought & you text your best friend & she's like OH EM GEE me too.  So grateful for Jayme & how we are like one person in two bodies.

I love love love the Pandora app on my phone. I'm constantly listening to music & it's nice I don't have to buy songs because I have music ADD.

& onto the goal section of this post.

Write each day//
Not blogging, but to work on my book.  I'm not saying I have to write a certain number of words during each sitting, but I want to put some conscious effort into this dream of mine.

Blog 3x a week//
This goes along with being grateful for my blog, I won't be able to remember things if I don't put them down here!

FMS Photo a Day Challenge//
Self explanatory, I have yet to finish one of these!

Decide what my 2015 goals will be//
Blog-wise, what type of Bible study I want to be in, life-wise.


  1. I'm so excited you linked up today! :) What kind of book are you writing?! I just started a novel... I'm sure it will take me a few years to finish but I'm really enjoying the process so far. Have a great week, Meghan!

  2. I alway discover new to me music when I listen to Pandora, it helps keep my selection of music fresh and cuts down on the amount of music I purchase. What's your book about? what kind of style do you like to write?

  3. Yay that's me! I like the idea of posting gratefuls. Hmmmm. But yeah, I just posted my goals too. And ohmygoodness! Photo a day. I wonder if DePhoMo is still a thing outside of our beloved walls of OD. I shall find out!

  4. Meh. Gave up on that. I looked and there's a bunch of photo challenges. But they're all super Instagramy. Which, I might do anyway. Even though I just complained.

  5. It's so important to have a person! I love those texts :)

  6. Me too! I love how they can go from serious to pee my pants laughing in about .5 seconds!

  7. It so is, she's been my best friend since our freshman year of college & I would be so lost without her!

  8. Yes yes it is! It's so funny Liz & I were just texting about DPM too!

  9. Are you just doing that first one that you tagged me in on IG?

  10. My book is about a young woman who falls for a man she met at random & they get to know each other through handwritten letters. If you've heard Traveling Soldier by the Dixie Chicks and Letters from Home by John Michael Montgomery, it's a mix of the two songs with my heart & soul mixed in.

    The ones I've seemed to start so far are love stories, I'm a hopeless romantic who loves love.

  11. I think I'm going to make it a weekly thing! A love story! & I've started a few and this is my newest and one I've felt most passionate about. What's yours about?

  12. I haven't talked to her in forever!

  13. Love stories are fun to write and I like the songs you based your novel on. I like to write Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Mysteries, there is usually some romance mixed in. Will you be sharing an expert from your novel on your blog?


Drop me a comment, I'll make sure to check out your blog ♥

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