27 November 2012

Life Lately.

So over the long weekend, I have done the following:

-Family Turkey Day 5k

-Participated in Ugly Sweater Day at church

& today is my Grandpa's birthday,
I hope he has a great day, they come home in 16 days(: 

Have a great Tuesday everybody!  

23 November 2012

Friday Letters.

Dear Thanksgiving,
You were pretty awesome.  Even the 5k wasn't too bad.

Dear Family Turkey Day 5k,
Next year, I will finish you.  I will train better.  First year wasn't too shabby.

Dear Karin,
That being said, I am cursing you today, because my legs are KILLING ME!

Dear Legs,
You can stop burning any time.  You are all stretched out due to the running back and forth that I did ALL DAY today between the service desk and layaway.

Dear Customers,
I mean what I say & I say what I mean. Therefore NO, means NO!

Dear Grandpa,
I hate that you are having to go through this cancer business again, but know that I am praying for you & I love you!

 linking up with Ashley for Friday Letters!

21 November 2012


1. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning.
Check the time on my phone & check messages. etc/ 

2. First thing you reach for when you open the fridge.
Usually either the OJ bottle or the milk jug and take a swig.  Lynn & I are both notorious for just drinking out of the carton.  

3. First things you do when you go to the gym.
Gym? What is a gym? A gym is a new thing to me lol. 

4. First thing you do you when you get home from work.
Usually get into my pj's since I usually work 2 to 11.  

5. First car
No first car yet. 

6. First car accident / traffic violation
Mady & I were stopped for not stopping completely at a stop sign.

7. First thing you wanted to be when you grew up
Shania Twain. 

8. First choice beverage
Mountain Dew or Orange Juice. 

9. First choice breakfast
My grandpa's pancakes. 

10. First choice dessert
Anything chocolate. Anything!

11. First song that comes to mind
What Kind of Fool-Gary Allan

12. First major purchase
First semester of college tuition. 
13. First job
Dietary Aide at a nursing home. 

14. First time you flew on a plane
2005 to Florida. 

15. First real "big girl" job
Still haven't gotten a big girl job yet! 

20 November 2012

Sorry, Not Sorry.

Here are just a few things I'm sorry, not sorry about at the moment..

I'm sorry, not sorry, that I am writing this post at 11:52p.

I'm sorry, not sorry, that after you swore at me, I wasn't all sunshine and butterflies.

I'm sorry, not sorry, about singing Matt Redman's songs at work.

I'm sorry, not sorry that I'm watching the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants while I write this..

I'm sorry, not sorry that I'm excited about the clean room that I now have.

What are you sorry, not sorry about?

19 November 2012


Three names I go by: 
1. Meghan
2. Megs
3. Little Bit/Squeeze Box

Three jobs I have had in my life: 
1. Dietary Aide
2. Cashier
3. Service Desk Associate

Three places I have lived: 
1. Bemidji, MN
2. Burnsville, MN
3. Elk River, MN

Three Favorite Drinks 
1. Coffee
2. Mountain Dew
3. Mello Yello

Three TV shows I watch: 
1. Criminal Minds
2. NCIS 
3. Teen Mom 2

Three places I have visited: 
1. Charlotte, NC
2. Knoxville, IA
3. Loudon, NH

People that text me regularly: 
1. Lynn
2. Jayme
3. Veronica

Three of my favorite foods: 
1. Kings Hawaiian Rolls
2. Chocolate
3. Anything my Grandma Makes

Three friends I think will respond: 
1. No 
2. Frickin' 
3. Clue 

Three pets that I've had: 
1. Dog 
2. Rabbit 
3. Duck

Three places I want to visit before I die: 
1. Jamaica
2. Australia
3. Germany 

Three things I'd like to do before winter is done! 
1. Go skiing
2. Make a snowman
3. Go snowmobiling

Three things I hate: 
1. Bad drivers 
2. Drama 
3. Racism 

Three things that scare me: 
1. Clowns 
2. Spiders 
3. Losing the people I love

Three things I can't live without: 
1. Cell phone 
2. My bed 
3. My puppies

Three things I will never do: 
1. Go to high school again
2. Steal
3. Hard drugs

18 November 2012


Sunday Social
This week's edition of Sunday Social is what are you grateful for? 
Well let me show you!
My Family

My Relationship with Jesus!

My relationship with all of my cousins, but especially my best cousin friend, Spencer

My furbabies

My relationship with my grandparents
Source: google.com via Desiree on Pinterest

Good times with friends

The blog world and the outlet it's given me to get my thoughts out into the world. 
one of my first blog headers! 

Country Music

My Freedom & a wonderful country to live in!
Source: etsy.com via Nina on Pinterest
A job & coworkers that I love!
Taken before work in one of the store's bathrooms.  & if you can't tell by the blue shirt, I work at Wal-Mart :) 

Leave a comment and tell me, what's one thing you are grateful for?

17 November 2012

Crazy Dog Lady.

I admit it. I love dogs.  I'm most happy when I have at least one dog in my life. 
I have always had a dog at either my mom's or my dad's, and most of the time, as it is right now, I have had a dog at both places.  

My first dog that I remember having is Lady.  She was a black lab, and she started out as my grandparents' dog, but when she was 3 or 4, she became our dog.  She was so gentle and sweet.  She died when I was in fourth grade.  She lived with me at my mom's house after my parents divorce. 

My stepmom had two dogs when her and my dad started seeing each other, Duke who was a dalmatian & Spike who was a Pomeranian.  She got Jack, a girl chocolate lab(we didn't name her), for my Dad as a birthday present one of the first years they were married.  
We had Jack from my third grade year up until she died between my freshman and sophomore years of college.  

Colonel was our beagle that we got at my Mom's house in December 2004.  We got him right before my stepdad deployed overseas.  He ran away & got hit by a car in September of 2006.  

Sam was a rescue weimaraner who we got from a family friend at my dad's when I was in either ninth or tenth grade.  
Sam passed away after being poisoned January of my freshman year of college. 

Leader was the beagle we got at my mom's house my ninth grade year after Colonel passed away.  He is still my baby and loves sleeping with me whenever I go back to my mom's. 

When Sam passed away, we at first weren't going to get another dog for awhile, but our house was WAY too quiet, so we got Cooper who is also a weim, and he's been ours since February 2011.  

& lastly, we got Chloe, a golden retriever from my Uncle who owns Chloe's mom.  She is almost 5 months old & a total princess!

I love my dogs as if they were my children and they are spoiled rotten, and I would not have it any other way. 

Over the years, we've also had a pair of birds at my mom's house, numerous rabbits at my dad's, along with baby ducklings that we raised until they were old enough to be on their own. 
Eenie,Meenie, Minie, Moe, Pinkie & Tom.  

16 November 2012

That Girl.

I'm "that girl"

That girl who loves Jesus unapologetically & fully & yet still fails daily. 

That girl who loves her family as well & will protect them and be loyal til her dying day. 

That girl who has music playing 95% of all the time. 

That girl who sings along with her phone while she has headphones in on break at work. 

That girl who loves her job & most of her co-workers and who realizes how blessed she is to say that. 

That girl who gets upset when she sees people mistreating pets. 

That girl who thinks guys who are gentlemen are the definition of sexy. 

That girl who will play game after game of NHL 99 with her younger brother and get beat 9 times out of ten.  

Yeah, I'm that girl.  & I'm not sorry.  

15 November 2012

It's Okay!

It's Thursday & It's Okay!
linking up with the fabulous duo of Neely & Amber!
Its Ok Thursdays
It's Okay...

...that I'm looking forward to Saturday just for the fact that I get to sleep in.  I have been up by 6 the last two mornings with one more coming tomorrow. YUCK!

...that I'm pretty pumped that I won Amber's November Group Giveaway, I think I'll be hitting up Target & Starbucks soon!  

...to drink the Dew at 7 in the morning because of the first statement. 

...to be annoyed when bloggers only show a preview of their entry on Google Reader(and yes I'm fully aware that that statement makes me sound like a brat!)

...to be buying People's Sexiest Man Alive issue as soon as I get to work!

...to laugh at my sister when she tells her boyfriend to "get over it & quit being a girl." that girl is her mother's daughter! <3 it="it" nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

What's Okay with YOU? 

13 November 2012

My Legacy.

We talked about legacy at church a few months ago, and ever since then, I've been thinking about what I want my legacy to be when I leave this earth, hopefully not for many, many years, but when I leave nonetheless. 

& then I was discussing it in a roundabout way with Lynn as well last night.  

As many of you know, I'm a big sister to 5 siblings, and younger sister to one.  Full,half & step intermixed in there.  One major thing I want my brothers and sisters to be able to say about me is that I was there for them.  That I tried my hardest to help them and support them any way I could. I was there when they needed a shoulder to cry on or I was an ear to listen to their dreams and worries and wishes.  That I wasn't judgmental towards them or a situation they put themselves in.

I want my friends to also be able to say the same thing, that I was there for them, no matter what.  That I didn't care how far away or how "inconvenient" it was for me, that I made them feel as if I moved mountains to be there for them.  

I want people to be able to hear my name & smile & laugh, and say that I was a great person to be around, that I always gave my all, that I cared for each individual, that I could make them laugh when they felt like crying.  

Some might think that I am contemplating my legacy much too early in life, because I am only twenty, but I truly believe that you make an impact on a new person each day, and you might never see that person again, so do you want them to be able to remember you in a positive or negative way? The choice is yours. 

So tell me, what is one thing you want people to remember about you and your legacy? 

12 November 2012

By The Numbers..

My weekend was pretty fun considering I also worked all weekend!  

I thought I'd share my weekend by the numbers.
                                                                                   Source: allcomedypics.com via Ankit on Pinterest

(100+) The number of times I laughed at Pitch Perfect, I saw it with my parents as part of their date night, why yes, I specialize in being the third wheel, why do you ask?

(13) The age my youngest cousin on my Mom's side turned on Sunday, we celebrated her birthday on Saturday, gosh I feel old.

(2) The number my brother Ryan has beat me on NHL '99 on the N64 that he dug out of the basement.

(48) The age my Dad is turning today.

(1) Times I've ever been to Pizza Ranch and overstuffed myself.

(4) Number of days I've worked in the last five.

What was something you did this weekend?  

11 November 2012

The Eleventh.

Happy Veterans Day!

Remember to thank a Veteran today, because all gave some and some gave all. 

My family is full of vets, both sides, so I grew up being proud of my country and proud of the military!

Thank you to all veterans! 

08 November 2012

It's Okay.

It's okay to be totally excited that Jenn is giving my blog a total makeover, and she's putting it in place tonight!

It's okay to see a movie with your parents, we saw Pitch Perfect, loved it!

It's okay to love having clean sheets & a warm bed!

It's okay that you're laying on your floor while your dog is on said warm bed. 

It's okay to love the movie 17 again. "I think our hands just made a baby"

It's okay for this list to be shorter than usual.  

linking up with Neely & Amber

07 November 2012

I Vote...

Totally swiped this idea from Bon!

Yesterday was the election, which you obviously know unless, you live under a rock..

So this has absolutely NOTHING to do with politics pinky promise!

I vote for a Starbucks on every corner,

I vote for everyone to have at least one dog in their lifetime, seriously, they love you unconditionally. 

I vote for DVR's to able to record more than two things at a time. 

I vote for stiffer penalties for those that hurt pets. 

I vote for country music. 

I vote for blogging.  

I vote for that one friendship that stands the test of time.  

So what do YOU vote for? 

06 November 2012

My God.

God has called me and each and every one of his followers to respect each other & all of humankind.  Regardless. 

So I will respect President Obama.  

Because I know. 

I know my God is greater, my God is stronger, my God is HIGHER than ANY other. 

& please, please quit spreading hate.  

If you voted Romney yay you, if you voted Obama, yay you, if you didn't vote, yay you too.  
But please, the name calling? Not necessary.  Spreading hate is NOT going to change the out come of the election.  

-Stepping off of my soapbox now-

Love you all! 

05 November 2012

Write This Down..

When I saw Joelle was doing this linkup, I knew I had to join in,
I love seeing everyone's handwriting.  

The four things were to write down were 
a) your name and signature
b) your blog title
c) where you blog from
d) a favorite quote or song lyric

So here you go!

Go link up, it's up all week!  

03 November 2012

Favorite Songs.

These are a few of my fave songs at the moment! Enjoy them!

Enjoy (:

02 November 2012

Dear Friday,

Dear Friday,
You are probably the craziest day at work, so I'm not sure I can say I'm glad you are here. 

Dear Mady,
I like your boyfriend, he treats you nice & is a sweetheart, don't let him go! & nice try, thinking you could beat him in arm wrestling.

Dear Nick,
You hurt my sister, you better watch out for me.  But I like you, you're a good guy!

Dear Chloe,
You drive me nuts sometimes, but you are too cute to stay mad at for long!

Dear Karen,
Thanks for knowing what I'm gonna say before I say it.  You give the best hugs!

Dear Perkins hostess,
When you asked if we needed a kids menu when Mady,Nick & I came in, you made us laugh.  & yes, I'm just small.  


01 November 2012

It's Okay

It's Okay....

...to buy Halloween candy at Wal-Mart since it's 50% off plus you get your 10% discount!

...to be sad when you realize your grandparents aren't two houses down but five or six states away now.  

....to not believe it's already November. 

...to buckle up and hold on tight, because it's November and you work at Wal-Mart customer service, hello busy!

...to not have done anything last night but watch the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown & Criminal Minds with your parents.  

What's okay with you today? 

Link up with Amber & Neely & let us know!
Its Ok Thursdays

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