10 December 2013

I'm Still a Kid On Christmas.

linking up with two of my favorite ladies Helene and Taylor for their Christmas themed link-up!

Christmas to me has always been about family.  My favorite memories have been made at Christmas.  Here are a few pictures from when I was younger.  

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Christmas 2003

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Christmas 2004

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Christmas season 2007 or '08 I'd say.  My great aunt and uncle live on a farm up near Hinckley, and they do sleigh rides each year, this year it must not have snowed very much..

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Christmas 2009, I may or may not have cropped my two younger brothers out of this picture.  One of my favorite Christmas traditions is going to pick out and chop down our tree! 

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Christmas 2012...OH MY GOSH ITS SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!

Helene in Between

More Christmas on the blog tomorrow #sorrynotsorry


  1. that's so fun that you chopped down your own tree! that's something ive never done that i'd love to do!

  2. TAG, YOU'RE IT! Stop by my post and follow the rules! Don't stop it now, join in the fun!!

  3. HA! I love that you cropped your brothers out! I would love to cut down my own tree. Once we got a tree that you could plant after Christmas was over. It took over our front yard, but was so pretty!


Drop me a comment, I'll make sure to check out your blog ♥

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