06 March 2013

Meghan Lately

Happy hump day loves!

Some miscellaneous random life updates coming your way today!

this would be what should be our walkway

I enjoyed a snow day from work yesterday, considering that I was snowed in & my parents are in AZ enjoying the sun & time with my grandparents, so alas, no one to plow out for us(Mady & I), so I had a work snow day & her school was cancelled too!  We basically bummed around on Netflix and the like.   

The following conversation was had between us about Hannah Montana:
Gotta love my editing skills!  

I didn't do too much this weekend besides work and catch up on basically the whole season of Nashville, and can I just say I am ob.sessed?  Well I am.  Deacon & Rayna need to just get together and STAY together for reals!  

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my grandma passing away.  To say I miss her like crazy would be an understatement.  I miss her voice on the phone, miss all the card games we used to play, her love, & our Maid Rite dates.  I miss dialing her phone number, which hadn't changed since I was a little girl.  Miss you Granny, It makes me happy knowing you and Grandpa are two of my many guardian angels <3 p="">

I got this beautiful clutch/wallet/Iphone case from Kodi who is a stylist for Stella & Dot, I love it mucho! 

linking up with Shanna for Random Wednesdays!

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