29 May 2013

ABCs of gratefulness..

So when I saw Marquis from Simply Clarke was having a one-day linkup for the ABCs of gratefulness, I knew I had to join up...

So without further ado, here are my ABCs :)

A is Apple products.  Love my iPhone! 

B is for Brown...I am so blessed and grateful for my family :)

C is for Country Music, it's the way I communicate when words fail me.  

D is for Dogs, I love my furbabies like they were humans!

E is for evenings, my favorite part of the day, from about 7 to 11p.  It's my unwind and get ready for bed time. 

F is for friends. I'm so grateful for all of my friends. 

G is for grandparents.  They're pretty much my favorite.  

H is for Home.  Home is my safe haven.  

I is for Instagram, I love documenting my life through snapshots of my days. 

J is for Jesus.  Without him, I would have nothing to be grateful for. 

K is for Kindness.  I'm grateful that my parents taught me the importance of kindness and caring when I was young. 

L is for Love.  Like Marquis said, I love love.

M is for Mady.  Mady is "my person" as they say on Grey's.  She and I are trouble together. 

N is for Naps.  I love the random mid-morning, afternoon naps I sneak in. 

O is for outside.  I love laying out and just relaxing with the sun on my skin. 

P is prayer. 

Q is quiet.  The moments when I first wake up.  

R is for Reading.  I have always been grateful that I love to read.  

S is for Summer. 

T is the small things. Biggest memories come from the smallest moments. 

U is for USA

V is for Veronica, my first blog best friend. 

W is for Walmart, I am so grateful for my job! 

X is for an eXtra shot of mint in my favorite drink from Starbucks. 

Y is you! All of you.  

Z is for sideways zigzags otherwise known as chevron.  

(also linking up with Marquis for #wildcardwednesday!)


  1. 7-11pm is my fave time of the day too :) It's chill time!

  2. Thanks for linking up! I really liked your list, especially the evening one :)


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