13 February 2013

That's My Jam.

Totally a day late on this, but I hope the hosts understand, because I love love songs :)

Back at One-Mark Wills

I honestly,  could not pick just ONE George Strait(TWO DAYS TIL I SEE HIM LIVE!) love song, thus, you get two:

Cross My Heart--which is my aunt and uncle's wedding song

If I Know Me

& lastly, my current favorite,


  1. Love songs...I'd have to pick "Mad Love" by Neon Trees :)

  2. ok so i grew up in the sticks no joke. you can't help but like country music, i think it is something in the water lol.

    like you picks ;)

  3. Thanks for linking up! And yes, I totally understand if you will forgive me for commenting on this so late! So sorry! I Cross My Heart is my aunt and uncle's wedding song too! :)


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