12 June 2012

Blog Star: Hi I'm Meghan!

When one of my fave bloggers Mrs. Monologues announced her blog star one time link-up I knew I was gonna be participating, I seem to be attracting new readers a lot more these days, so I thought I'd share a few things about moi and some of my favorite posts!

My name is Meghan, I'm 20 & as you can tell by the picture above, I don't take life too seriously! 

I am going to a tech school to become a court reporter & am a country girl at heart. 

I believe the little things are the most important things in life.

I will fight to my death for my friends and family.

& on to some of my favorite posts:

Have a great rest of your Tuesday loves! 


  1. You have a really well designed and nice blog!

  2. So excited that you decided to link-up love! Love your career path, very neat and needed!

  3. You're so silly! I love it. That is so cool you're going to school to be a court reporter. What a fun & exciting job!

  4. I loved going through your other posts. It looks like you have quite a career ahead of you. I previously worked as a Tampa court reporter. The one word of advice I would pass on to you is to keep a straight face when you hear something funny in court. I remember when I was reporting a case where the expert witness was passing gas on the stand. I could not hold my laughter in. I received some dirty looks after the court was on recess. Its a great job and I hope you excel. Keep up the great work in school.


Drop me a comment, I'll make sure to check out your blog ♥

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