16 May 2011

Ohh you make me smile (:

Today has been such a great day! It is my first actual day off in MONTHS! If I am off of work, I have school & vice versa. I'm on my three week break from school before going back for summer semester.

I'm home alone, because everybody else is out mowing. I do NOT mow. I am the laundry chick. I hate mowing. & I am not good at it.

It's finally starting to get nice out around here. Mady & I took a bike ride with cooper, and then laid out on our trampoline.

We came in & Mady made grilled cheese it was amazingg! Apparently we're having manwich tonight too. I LOVE MANWICH! lol. It's the simple things lol.

Last night at work, I was able to work customer service almost all night. I learned how to do claims & how to close customer service. It was a good night.

I went to my mom's house between work on saturday & work on Sunday. It was nice to go home. I got to see my aunt & grandma which was great. I miss my granny.

I think that's about it, but do me a favor, you all should go check out Meg & her Mingle Monday Blog Hop (: I would appreciate it mucho!

Mingle 240

1 comment:

  1. Just came across your blog over the Teen blogfrog group :) Had to add that I LOOOVE grilled cheese, and Manwich too!


Drop me a comment, I'll make sure to check out your blog ♥

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