25 April 2011

Time for another Mingle Monday!

Mingle 240

Hey everyone (:

It's Mingle Monday around these parts!

How was your Easter?

Mine was FANTASTIC! I woke up yesterday, showered, kept my hair down(my grandma likes it down :D so my hair was free for the day. Went to the Crossing Church which is amazing. They advertise themselves as the church for the people who don't do church, but I DO do church, and I still love it! Anyways, after church, I helped Lynn aka Crip(I don't know if I mentioned here, but she broke her ankle a month and a half ago), make cheesy hashbrowns & a dessert called Angel Lush which was delcious! It has angel food cake, cool whip, pineapple, & strawberries. I have the recipe if anyone wants it. After that I had to work 1:30 to 7. Went to the grandparents house and had din din that my grandma made especially for me(the others had already eaten.) We played cards while Lynn & Dad brought Matt home(Matt is my biological brother & he lives with my mom.) I love spending time with my grandparents. They are so AWESOME (:

& today has been filled with school. Right now I'm on break til 5. I am listening to pandora & just relaxing. Hopefully technologies goes fast, because my cousin Spencer & Uncle Don are coming over afterwards :D :D :D

Hopefully going to post intros tomorrow (:

Have a good rest of your Monday!

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