I've seen Garth twice in a week span when he first started his world tour, but I would love to see him again. I have always loved his music and just his infectious spirit.
favorite song: haha. yeah, not going to be able to pick just one. the thunder rolls (live)//somewhere other than the night//she's every woman
2|| Brad Paisley
He's another one of my long time favorites, he's got so many good songs that a concert of his would be just a big sing-along I think and he always has good openers as well!
favorite song: remind me & i'm gonna miss her
3|| Justin Moore
I've loved his music since I first heard Smalltown USA in high school. I'd love to see him because he doesn't have a song I don't like..
favorite song:grandpa and hank it.
4|| Kenny Chesney
He's one of those people that some people see every year, but I'd be glad to just see him ONCE! His career has spanned so many years and he has so many great records that I wouldn't know which songs to hope that he would play because he's got so many that I love.
favorite song: the good stuff and the boys of fall
5|| Keith Urban
One of Keith Urban's lesser known songs "Where the Blacktop Ends" was my anthem throughout my junior and senior years when I knew I was going to my Dad's. It still brings me back to the anticipation of being out of the city and enjoying the country life. I'd love to see him live and hopefully will have the chance when he comes to Minnesota in November!