Good morning!
I overslept this morning. Got ready in like 5 minutes. Didn't have time to shower, hence, I feel & probably look gross. But today is going t o be a good day. Yesterday really was!
I worked 7 to 3, first day at customer service by myself. & I was all alone from 7 to 11. It was HECTIC! I loved it though. I had some crazies, but I didn't get stressed out, just made me laugh at the end of the day!
Mady's home from her dad's. She got home at like 1:30a Tuesday morning. We had a full conversation that she doesn't remember. I think the funniest part was this part.
Mady: Meghan, I'm hot.
Me: Okay Mady.
Mady: Meghan it's hot in here.
Me: Ok Mady
Mady: Meghan, do you wanna watch a movie? I can't sleep!
Me: Mady its 1:45 IN THE MORNING.
Mady: Ok, Meghan do you wanna watch a movie?
It was like HELLOOO! I'm trying to sleep. But I luff her anyways :D
We rented four movies last night. Never Say Never(Yes, the Justin Bieber movie), Step Up 3, The Dilemma, & Social Network. I was leaving for Ryan's lacrosse game & thought it would be funny if I unplugged the TV where she was watching the movie. I don't think I've ever seen Mady get up that fast. She yelled Meghan! You're going in the pool. I said no I'm not!! She said YUP! Let's go. She dragged(drug?) me down the hallway outside, took my glasses off for me, lifted me up & threw me in the pool FULLY CLOTHED!! All of this 5 minutes before I was supposed to walk out the door to go to Ryan's lacrosse game lol. Ryan's team lost bad last night. It was against the number 1 team though. After the game, he went out to eat with my Aunt & Uncle. It was nice, I haven't seen them in a while.
I have a test in 15 minutes I really should study for!
<3 Meghan.
P.S. Blog challenge catch-up ASAP!!
29 June 2011
01 June 2011
What I'm Loving on a wee bit wednesday v2

I'm LOVING the fact that I'm back in school today, I've been itching to see my friends and get new info to practice on my steno
I'm LOVING the fact that my cousin is coming over tonight or friday night, he's awesome. His name is Spencer, and he's pretty cool. He's a year younger than I am (: A year and two weeks exactly. He gave me the nickname awkward spice, and he's lazy pice after the spice girls!
I'm LOVING the fact that next paycheck I'm getting my bonus! The extra money is needed for NEXT semester. I will be VERY VERY close to being able to pay for it.
I'm LOVING the nice warm weather we've been having.
I'm LOVING the fact that my puppy is always ready for a cuddle!
& now? A wee bit wednesday!
ne} do you believe in ghosts?
I don't really know, but I'm going to say no(:
{two} are you more of a talker or more of a listener?
I do both about evenly. I love listening more though!
{three} would you rather get up early or sleep late?
Get up early, but I stay up late so it doesnt happen all the time.
{four} if you could instantly become an expert at one type of dance, what type would you choose?
I'd love to learn how to like ballroom dance & stuff, my grandma and grandpa H are bomb at it, I love watching them dance!
{five} what's your favorite drink?
Mountain Dew!
{six} if your house caught fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
Assuming my family & Coop & Jack(my chocolate lab) were safe, I'd say my phone, my computer & my Reed Timmer autographed copy of Into The Storm.
{seven} if you could only visit one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?
Texas Roadhouse!
{eight} who inspires you the most?
My grandparents<3
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