18 July 2011

Customer Service Tales

I was going to write about how my relationship with my step-grandparents has progressed through the eleven or so years I have known them, but all the pictures I was gonna post with it are on Lynn's computer and I'm here at school, so I thought I would give you a few stories I've been a part of since starting up at the service desk almost a month ago.


Crazy DVD lady

Let me preface this with the fact that we cannot return DVDs,Video Games, CDs that have been opened, unless the customer wants to exchange it for the exact same item because of federal copyright laws.

So knowing that, I had a lady come through and wanted to return the movie Chihuahua, and get a different movie. I explained the copyright law to her, and told her I was sorry & she could have her movie back. So she's like it's still mine right? I said yes, she said okay, ripped the DVD case out of my hands, snaps the DVD out of the case and tries to break it, but is unable to, and then grabs the pen out of my hand, scribbles all over the back of the dvd, and tosses it over the counter into my garbage can.


Crazy Coupon Lady

This one was only a couple of days ago. It was Thursday. I had a lady come up with her little girl & she looked really pouty. I asked her what I could do for her, she wanted me to accept a $5 off entire purchase coupon, which is one of the ONLY coupons we don't accept. I told her we unfortunately did not accept those types of coupons, and if she wanted to talk to one of my supervisors over, so I called Dee over & she told her the same thing as I was going on my lunch, and she started crying over $5. I mean really?!?! that's a little absurd and obnoxious.

Most days I come home tell Mady & Lynn at least one of these types of stories, and then we all have a good laugh :D

Love my job!!

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