I only took five days into the new year to write up the 2016 recap & 2017 look ahead, so that is progress right?
2016 wasn't that huge/life-changing for me as it was for some people and that's okay, because I still managed to have a pretty great year.
78 times I posted here in 2016. 2017, I hope to post here 100 times.
46 new books were read plus countless re-reads in 2016. 2017, I hope to up that number to 75 new books.
In 2016, I finished the photo-a-day for the first time ever, you can find all of my 2016 daily pictures at #meghananna2k16. #meghananna2k17 is my hashtag for the photo-a-day for this year & my goal is to actually post daily and not have to play catch-up like I did so many times in 2016.
In 2016, I went to 9 concerts. I'm hoping I can make it to that many this year as well!
Watching my sister get her LPN lit a fire under my butt and on the 10th, I will start school again going for medical coding!
2016 was a good year, 2017 is shaping up to be another great one.