09 September 2015

A Letter to Me

Brave Love Blog

Dear 16 year old Meghan,

This is the Meghan from 2015. I'm 23 and I know how hard it is to picture yourself at this age, but you are here. You made it through all the crap that went down your junior and senior years, you are stronger because of it. 18 was a year of transition for you, but it was a good year none the less. 19 was a year of growth. 20 was the year you lost your grandma, and you'll still miss her like crazy 3 years later as you are writing this letter.  21 was the year of the lie, I learned a lot from 21, but I wouldn't wish that kind of year on my worst enemy.  22 was the year that you moved out on your own and though you were a little scared, you can look back on it and be SO glad that you took that step.  As you're writing this letter, you are just over five months into 23 & I'm not sure what you'll think of this year as you look back. I hope you smile more than you frown, laugh more than you cry, help more than you hurt and lean on your support system on the hard days.

Quit your job, you'll regret not spending your junior and senior year weekends with your dad and everyone at his house.

Love you & I'll see you in 7 years!


23 year old Meghan.

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