26 May 2016

Happiness List | Two.

I think we will be making this a permanent fixture on this here blog for my Thursday posts. See it's my Friday at work and by this day I usually need things to remind me not to stab people, I kid I kid or do I? #retailprobs

Maverick||One of my best friends from my high school years and the years since then and I have reconnected it seems. We would text a little here and there but it feels like we were back in our heyday with the way we were talking yesterday. I've missed her and missed our conversations something fierce. So grateful for OpenDiary for introducing us all those years ago.

Words||I've been perusing Pinterest more lately and I'm loving the quotes I find on there.

Nashville's finale||Totally gave me all the feels. Sad it's over, but happy they wrapped it up so well.

What's making you happy these days?

1 comment:

  1. I'm on the fence about the finale. I'm glad they wrapped everything up but the whole Juliette story ending was awful.


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