23 October 2015

Pumpkin Spice Spiked Sugar Cookie Coffee.

That's what I'd be having if we were having a real life coffee date, what I just finished before starting this post, it tasted amazing if you were curious, but let's get to our virtual coffee date shall we?

If we were having a coffee date, the biggest thing I would be eager to share is that I am no longer a brace face! After 4+ years, I have a brace-free mouth and it's exhilarating!

I'd share with you how awesome our remodel at work is going--at least our service desk area is looking pretty awesome, customers are still adjusting to the rest of the store, but it's looking great!

I'd probably reminisce that a year ago I was seeing Brantley Gilbert with my best friend, and today I have to work, but wish I was hanging out with Jayme & BG again!

I'd also tell you how awesome it is that my favorite aunt and uncle are celebrating 22 years of marriage today and I'd brag that I was the cutest flower girl ever all those years ago.

I'd admit that I was a little scared when I was down in the ER two times in one weekend at the beginning of the month with what I thought was shunt issues but happened to only be a bug that everyone had at work within a few days.  I'm not looking forward to paying those bills but yay for it being something so little and not shunt-related like I had feared.

But enough about me, what would you share on a coffee date?

linking up with Jenna for her coffee-date linkup! 

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