It's long, but I LOVE it!
I also have a few random tidbits here...
-I will be recapping the concert on Monday! For now though, here are a few housekeeping/random items.
-I am now using Disqus for my comments, I've been getting a heinous amount of spam comments as of late and I'm not down with that! & plus I want to communicate with you, even if you are a no reply commenter, so there we go.
-Are you participating in Kym's Secret Santa? You really should, sounds like a ton of fun :D
-I took off my case for my phone last week, and I can't find it anywhere, and I'm kinda paranoid that I'm gonna drop it and it's going to crack, so any affordable cute online places to get a phone case? Lemme know!
i got mine on etsy and love it! or even amazon or ebay!