18 October 2012

It's Okay!

It's Okay....

-to cry thinking that you only have four days left with your grandparents before they leave for Arizona and you'll be out of town for three of those days, so you're soaking up as much time with them as possible!

-to finally have jumped on the May Books bandwagon. Hopefully I use it more than my Erin Condren one!

-to laugh hysterically when your Grandpa demonstrates how to eat coffee cake, because apparently there is a right and a wrong way..who knew?

-to miss your dogs more than your parents while they are hunting on the Canadian border

-to also laugh hysterically at Michelle's blog, You're My Favorite Today!

-to complain about wishing you had a boyfriend to dance with, so your grandma comes and dances with you to George Strait's You Look So Good In Love.  

-to be excited because your momma offered to pay for your George Strait tickets as your Christmas present.

-to be quite upset that you haven't seen your favorite supervisor at work in almost three weeks, and you just wanna give her a hug!  

So what's Okay with you today??

link up with Neely & Amber and let us know!
Its Ok Thursdays


  1. I love this! And, I must say, I eat coffee cake in a certain way. I'm a wacko when I eat, but I pick all the crumbs off and eat those first. Then I eat the cakey part.

  2. Haha...I didn't know that there could be a wrong way to eat coffee cake.

  3. So I was out of town last week Thursday - Monday and am just now catching up on some blogs....and imagine my surprise when I read yours! You are so sweet to give me a shout out. This just made my day even better!! :)


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