07 May 2012

Miscellaneous Monday!

So I've got lots of little tidbits to share with you guys today!  

Army Wives last night! Craziness right? I love how the relationship between Frank and Denise has grown and change over the years.  *SPOILERS* The reunion of Michael and Claudia Joy? Amazing.  They are probably my favorite couple! I really hope David's father doesn't try and cause trouble for Roland and Joan, and the fall of Jackie Clarke, it was kind of nice to see after she was so vindictive to Claudia Joy!

Are you a Minnesota blogger?  Come join our community! It's the brainchild of Kelly and I love the fact that I can find people who love and enjoy MN as much as I do!  


One of my best friends ever Jayme is on a mission to get down to Florida to attend the To Write Love on Her Arms summer conference to meet Jamie, the founder & meet other chapters!  You should check out her blog and her donation site

My weekend was good.  Packed with homework and work like usual, but it was relaxing in a weird sort of way.  Went to starbucks for the first time in forever last night with Mady.  Started re-reading the Bridal Quartet series by Nora Roberts, love love love.  Which brings me to my next point.

Are you on Goodreads? Are we friends? Let's be friends! I love new book buddies!  Jayme has put me into high gear reading addiction mode and I can't get enough books in my hands fast enough!

Like my design? Want to get one of your own? Head over to Neely's blog and enter her giveaway!

I updated my 101 list, go check it out!

Have you checked out my awesome sponsors on my sidebar yet? What are you waiting for? 

linking up with Life with Meg & Lowercase Letters


  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog!! I haven't watched Army Wives since season 1, should I catch up? :)

  2. I really like your 101 list! Good luck in doing all the things that you are wanting to do. What is your goodreads name? I will add you. I love getting new friends and new books to read as well!

  3. Good Reads is soooo addicting, I love it! :) It definitely makes me wanna read more too.

  4. How do I find you on goodreads? I want to be friends! :) Found you through Mingle Monday.


Drop me a comment, I'll make sure to check out your blog ♥

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